June 6, 2009 journal, I dreamed I was in a place where everybody was so nice to me. Please do not awaken me from this dream where everybody showed a Christian spirit. Why can the world not be a peaceful place of joy and happiness living the perfect life? The president did not say America was the biggest Muslim nation, he did say Egypt was. I thought Egypt worshipped Osiris the sun god like the Masons do in historical tradition. 65th anniversary of D-Day on Omaha Beach in Normandy France our greatest sacrifice. Please prepare for the worst economic conditions imaginable and a very short supply. I may have been wrong in saying the president made a statement about America being the largest Muslim nation although it has provoked a lot of thought about America's Moslem population. There is surely more than 7 million Muslims in the United States of America. Pat Roberson was saying on his 700 Club that they had called Washington to clarify what he meant by that statement but I cannot verify what the hot subject was really about. In the future I will only comment on something after it be printed on Moslem's run about half the gas stations and convenient food stores in America already. Obama is the first American president to visit Buchenwald Concentration Camp The president visited Buchenwald Nazi Concentration (death) Camp in Germany where 250,000 died many from hunger. Then he will visit Normandy Beach where we lost 10,000 of our soldiers on D Day to liberate France and to destroy the Nazi regime. The victims of Buchenwald prison consisted of many nationalities including some American and Russian POWs, it was a place of experimentation, extermination and fatal disease. Hitler killed young and old people including handicapped, sick and useless people. Hitler and the German Nazis killed everybody in their determination to purify the world of all but the German race of thoroughbreds. In their war of aggression Nazis killed at this camp "Jews, Poles, political prisoners, Jehovah Witnesses, religious prisoners, criminals, homosexuals, POWs, Communist, Anarchists... Later the proportion of other political prisoners increased considerably. Among the prisoners were also writers, doctors, artists, former nobility, and princesses. They came from countries as varied as Russia , Poland , France , Germany , Austria , Czechoslovakia , the Netherlands , Belgium , Norway , Denmark , Latvia , Italy , Romania and Spain (some Second Spanish Republic exiles). Most of the political prisoners from the occupied countries were members of the resistance (according to Wikipedia truth site) ." To the Arab people this may sound like what we did in Iraq or to the world may sound like what we did in Katrina New Orleans. There is no doubt the Holocaust happened but it is not clear as to these total numbers. Jewish people may have suffered the worst of all. It is difficult to confirm the numbers. There are many stories unreported one being that Hitler tried to export Jewish people before exterminating them but the world rejected them even America and the Jewish people in Palestine. Sound familiar? Our doors are closed to the displaced Iraqis also. Michigan is closing 8 prisons and moving 4,600 prisoners to save $118 million. You would think the present system would have enough money to operate but they do not. The new administration wants to cut subsidies to the states to house illegal immigrants. I fully agree with cutting subsidies to house illegal aliens like running state prison hotels. The bad economy has done something that nothing else could gain control of the state prisons which holds a lot of innocent people, people sent up the river for menial crimes. This is just the tip of the iceberg in a great big go free for this nation's prison camps. We the people have no clue as to what is really going on in this country because of the media. There is going to be many catastrophes merging in the next 90 days in this whirlwind of confusion. How do empires rise & fall? We are about to learn a painful lesson firsthand. What we fail to learn in school we learn the hard way and often by our payday disasters. Many people are falsely accused and imprisoned even on death row but are innocent. I hope to find the solution to settle these hellish credit cards and their exorbitant interest. They loaned us artificial money which they did not have in their banks so we should be able to pay them back with artificial fiat money which we do not have in our pockets. I renewed some domain names in April for a year but now I am getting a strange notice from a phony domain saying it is the last chance to renew my domain thompsonart.info The message come in from hotmail already blocked saying to open it may be dangerous. Abortion has become more the social/economic thing to do to control birth & population. There are 2 sides to every issue and I know the opposition side better than the choice. It appears the morals of this country have declined and the high court has outlawed the law in every state. We have become a reprobate nation and most people have no clue about what is really wrong, and the people have become zombies to political correctness. The power should be in the Church but most churches are more social clubs than Christian. Even the abortion doctors go to church like politicians. I find myself on the outside as an outsider not only in art but in church and politics. My view is that God is wiping us out. I know that evil did not just start, it has been going on a long time but it is worse now. I am sad at the president for eating lamb in Paris while letting his family eat beef. I am out with all meat eaters not only for health reasons but for cruelty to animals reasons. Everyone should read the facts about meat from Hallelujah Acres website hacres.com I want to be a sheep herder to save lambs for wool which is better than picking cotton. Most American people have ADD, attention deficit disorder, observing in my opinion. They don't see or hear what a terrible situation the country is in a questionable future. A terrible fire in a day care center in northern Mexico has killed many children. The building was next to a fire hazard tires operation and only had one entrance or exit. 38 killed while survivors burned badly, at least one air lifted to a US Shriners Hospital. Congress is trying to raise the federal gas tax by 10¢ a gallon but they say it will cause a riot. The federal highways are out of money already again like all the money given to the auto manufacturers during the last administration to retool but they did not retool so now they are asking for more money for that very purpose. Gov. Sarah Palin & Gov. Mark Sanford were both on national television as opposing the stimulus money for their states. FBI trying to broaden the killer doctors case to include the pro-life movement members. Scattered reports of skyrocketing grocery prices which is no surprise that it is coming. Sarah Palin spoke of anticipated future saying the federal government will have to come in to control people. We are being kept to the dark as to just how deep this depression is. Sarah was on talk radio with Michael Reagan which is the biggest loser of all. Every Man Woman & Child being 6 months residents of Alaska got $3,200.00 oil royalties last year. That is the kind of rightwing conservative socialism I like to see in active royalty money. She is actually saying the government wants to control the people but that is nothing new.